Profile Picture

Yu-Wen Chen

Computer Vision and Deep Learning Engineer

About Me

Howdy! I'm Yu-Wen, currently a Computer vision and Deep Learning Engineer at AeroTract LLC, Albany, Oregon USA. My job content mainly include building, evaluating object detection and instance segmentation deep learning models for use in forestry and agriculture fields maintenance. At AeroTract, I work closely with Dr. Cory Garms, a UAS remote sensing export and scientist to develope DL/LiDAR combined data processing pipline.

I was a grad student in Computer Science at Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon USA. My specialty was in natural language processing and computer vision with deep learning, database management systeme, and computer graphics.

With my past education and experience in deep learning, I now aspire to explore and research in the field to make significant contributions. Feel free to reach out if any of the work sounds interesting to you!

Programming Language: Python C / C++ HTML SQL Swift Haskell
ML/DL Frameworks: Pytorch Tensorflow Scikit-Learn Detectron2 SpaCy
Genearl Frameworks: Pandas Matplotlib
Developer Tools: Git Docker MySQL QGIS
Work Experience

AeroTract LLC

Computer Vision and Deep Learning Engineer

August 2021 - Present

Machine Learning Automatic Pipline Development: development of pipline using active learning, transfer learning, few-shot learning.

LiDAR/Mahcine Learning Combined Pipline Devolopment: development of pipline utlized the advantage of object detection and LiDAR data to estimate the Xmas tree height.

Technologies used: Python, Pytorch, Tensorflow, GDAL, Geopandas, AWS, QGIS

Oregon State University

Master of Engineering in Computer Science

September 2019 - June 2021

GPA: 3.97 / 4.0

Accomplishment: Academic Excellence Scholarship (2 years)

CS 535: Deep Learning CS 534: Machine Learning CS 539: Natural Language Processing with Deep Learning CS 539: Matrix Analysis Signal Processing and Machine Learning CS 539: Scalable Querying and Machine Learning CS 540: Database Management System CS 572: Computer Architecture CS 527: Error-correcting Codes CS 550: Introduction to Computer Graphics CS 550: Introduction to Computer Graphics CS 557: Computer Graphics Shaders

National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology

Bachelor of Science in Computer and Communication Engineering

June 2015 - June 2019

GPA: 3.4 / 4.0

Accomplishment: Third place in the monograph competition